
The Cape Town College of Fashion Design offers a variety of courses for those interested in pursuing fashion, for both practical and theoretical application.

Whether part-time or full-time, the wide variety affords the chance to explore foundations of fashion design, as well as the chance to build advanced practices and knowledge.

3 year full time diploma

1 year foundation fashion programme



3 year full time diploma

The 3 Year Diploma in Fashion Design is a full-time accredited NQF 6 qualification, offering core practical modules and several theoretical subjects. Following completion of the Diploma, graduates are equipped to enter the workplace as all modules are industry relevant in both approach to teaching and assessment. Core practical subjects include Fashion Design, Pattern Design, and Garment Construction across all three years of studies. Digital Fashion Application is fundamental in understanding various digital fashion illustration techniques, compiling boards as well as technical drawings. Theoretical subjects include Business Studies, Textiles, History of Design, Clothing Production, Retail Management, Branding, Styling and Costume Design.

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

1st year

Fashion Design I
Business Studies I
Digital Fashion Application I
Garment Construction I
Pattern Design I
History of Costume I
Textiles I
Clothing Production I

2nd year

Fashion Design II
Business Studies II
Digital Fashion Application II
Garment Construction II
Pattern Design II
Contemporary Fashion History I
Textiles II
Retail Management I
SYNC – ERP & PLM Apparel Software

3rd year

Fashion Design III
Fashion Buying Principles I
Brand Design I
Business Studies III
Digital Fashion Application III
Experiential Learning I
Garment Construction III
Pattern Design III
Contemporary Fashion History II
Costume Design I / Styling I

1 year foundation
fashion programme

The Foundation Fashion Design Programme is a 30-week course designed as an introduction to fashion design – exploring various fundamental techniques and subjects to provide a solid overview of design. This programme is ideal for those who are not yet ready to commit to full-time studies, would like to take a ‘Gap’ year and look at different further study options, or have not achieved a matric pass but want to apply for further studies in fashion design while writing supplementary exams On successfully completing this programme you will automatically be accepted into CTCFD’s 3 Year Diploma in Fashion Design. This is not a national credit bearing course, and is also not registered with the South African Qualifications Authority. However, it provides a useful entry into further studies or the entrepreneurial arena.


Pattern Design, Garment
Construction & Costings


Introductory Fashion Design Principles, Fashion Illustration, Trend Analysis & Creative Design


Theory & Practical

Introduction to Fashion Business
& Marketing

Theory & Practical

Advanced diploma

The Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design is an accredited NQF 7 qualification which can be completed part-time over 2 years or full-time within 1 year. The course offers students opportunity to complete an industry relevant internship, as well as choosing an area of design to specialize in – producing a complete design portfolio and research project. Students also broaden knowledge in Business, Branding and Trend Application. The Advanced Diploma is ideal for those seeking to become a specialised practitioner in a particular design field, as well as those who wish to further their studies at a post graduate level.






Conduct oneself professionally and ethically in a variety of contexts and take responsibility for and critically evaluate own decisions and actions when working independently and collaborating with others.


Identify, analyse, critically reflect on and address complex problems within the fashion sector.


Collect, organise, analyse, and critically evaluate relevant information when researching social, economic and cultural influences on the fashion sector.


Apply and critically evaluate principles, methods, techniques and discourse in a chosen area of fashion specialisation when creating an innovative body of work.

Short courses

Our range of short courses provide opportunities for those interested in learning fashion design fundamentals or expanding their knowledge and technical skills part time. As our courses run more than once a year, skills can be learned and developed – from practical fundamentals such as Fashion 101, Learn Sewing Basics and Garment Technology Foundation Principles to advanced principles such as Tailoring, Evening wear and Lingerie. Retail relevant courses such as Digital Fashion application, Buying and Styling provide both practical and theoretical knowledge.


Pattern Design and Garment Construction – Foundation & Advanced


Foundation Fashion Illustration & Design Principles, Applied Fashion Illustration & Portfolio Development


Vector-based Drawing Techniques using CorelDraw, Photoshop Essentials for Digital Fashion Presentations